At an Dutch BNN-VARA documentary "My fucking problem" about vaginismus and treatments Fantastic! The subject 'vaginismus' is on TV again. Anne van Campenhout has made a personal documentary about her search for answers to her vaginismus. This takes a lot of guts! Solution is hard to find Anne is a decisive woman who would very much like to have intercourse without experiencing pain. Her search is very thorough, because the answers and solution are so hard to find. She openly and sincerely shows her vulnerability. She interviews women with vaginismus, and their partners. So impressive, how they openly speak about their experiences with vaginismus as well. It has become a very intense documentary. Answer to difficult questions BNN invited me, as an experience expert, specialist, and writer of the book 'How to overcome your vaginismus', to talk about this documentary. I talked to the editors about the knowledge and experiences I would like to show on TV. So that Sophie Hilbrand is able to ask me questions she doesn't really dare to ask, because they would be too intimate. Guidance helps I especially want to answer those intimate questions. To show women and couples that they are not the only ones. To make them feel what kind of emotions play a part with vaginismus, and how it can affect your life in different ways. But most of all, I wanted to give them hope and advice. I had vaginismus, nothing could go into my vagina, but still I managed to overcome my vaginismus. So did many women who came to see me for guidance. So, this is possible for lots of women. Speaking openly about vaginismus The discussion included two young women with vaginismus, a boyfriend, a sexologist, women who play a part in documentary, and me. Sophie Hilbrand was guiding the discussion. I listened to the two young women with vaginismus, and the boyfriend of one of the women with admiration. They all were very open about their feelings and their search. So brave of them. Being vulnerable Two women from the documentary were also very open and honest about their feelings. I remember how I felt nauseous before the show Spuiten en Slikken, because I was so nervous. Even after the show. And how tense I was when I went to do groceries while my vulnerable story was published in the Top Sante and the local newspaper. That was really nerve wrecking, because what would be the reaction of people I knew, and of the people I didn't know? Because all of a sudden, a lot of people knew that I had had vaginismus. To be honest: I only received positive reactions.
Asking questions After the discussion, you can ask the sexologist or me questions, live on the internet. You can also do this anonymously. How you can do this, is being explained during the show. I hereby invite you to do this as well. Ask me anything you like. I will answer all questions as openly as possible. You are not alone Because of this documentary, many women with vaginismus, and their partners, came into contact with each other, talked to each other, during the show. This is very unique. I know from experience, that this makes women feel more supported and less alone. We are one step closer to vaginismus not being a taboo anymore. One step further in my wish to give women and couples hope, that they too are able to have enjoyable intercourse without experiencing pain. Press release ‘My Fucking Problem’ I a personal documentary about vaginismus by Anne van Campenhout. For Anne, penetration has been so painful for the last ten years, that it was impossible. She does have sex with her boyfriend, but always without penetration. She tried different therapies, but to no avail. Yet, she still wants to be able to, no matter what. Where does that feeling come from? Why wouldn't you be satisfied without penetration? During her search, Anne speaks to other women with vaginismus, with specialists, and her own boyfriend. One person calls it overrated, the other person calls it the highest possible goal. The movie shows the impact of a painful vagina, and examines the question: how important ís penetration? Can Anne accept the fact that maybe she will never be able to experience penetration?
The broadcasting of ‘My fucking problem’ was on March 8, on BNN NPO3, at 8:30 pm. Following this movie, this theme was discussed by Sophie Hilbrand, experience experts, and a sexologist.
The documentary and the discussion afterwards, is often being replayed. You can watch the live broadcasting where I have answered questions of viewers here.
This blog has been written for the website